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Journey to Bethlehem: Celebrating the Feast of Epiphany Through Enchanting Children's Books

The Feast of Epiphany is coming up on January 6th. On this day, we celebrate the long journey that the wise men made and their final arrival to the child Jesus. The church recognizes this beautiful moment as an epiphany. An epiphany is a revelation that happens suddenly and it reveals something’s true nature or meaning. It was at this moment that God’s plan for salvation through Jesus was revealed to the world beyond the Jews. Through the wise men’s visit we see that through Jesus, God’s plan of salvation is meant for everyone.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany is with children's books. Reading books about The Wise Men and their encounter with Jesus is such an easy and fun way to help our children learn about our faith.

Today I am sharing some of my favorite books about the Wise Men and their story. I hope they are a blessing!

Tomie de Paola is a master storyteller and illustrator. Y'all know by now that he is one of my favorite authors!

The Last Straw by Fredrick Thury

This is a cute take on the classic story told through the eyes of a grumpy camel who is tasked with carrying the Wise Men's gifts. He complains about his sciatic and gout but in the end, he realizes the great honor of his task and never again is there a burden too heavy for him to carry.

We Three Kings by Gennady Spirin

This book is so lovely! The words of the beloved Christmas carol, We Three Kings, are combined with illustrations by the internationally renowned artist, Gennady Spirin.


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