Palm Sunday is this Sunday!
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the holiest week of the Church year. We begin this day with joy as we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We wave palm branches and shout “Hosannas”, proclaiming him the “King of Kings”. We remember his ultimate victory over death and we corporately pray that we who bear these branches will “ever hail him, as our King, and follow him in the way that leads to eternal life”. Book of Common Prayer p.271

Celebrate this day in your home with a simple wreath made of palm branches and red ribbon. We switch from purple to red on this day because red symbolizes the passion or suffering of Christ. Don't worry if you don't have palms! Palms are only available in very specific geographic zones and I just happen to live in one! Just use any branches of greenery that you can get from your yard.
Palm Sunday Swag
Gather four palms or four small branches of greenery. Stack the greenery so that two palms or branches are facing down and two palms or branches are facing up. Push them towards each other until all you see is greenery meeting greenery.

Cut two 12-inch pieces of ribbon. Gather them together and tie them around the joining of the stems in a simple knot.

Place a thin wire through the back of the knot and hang the wreath on a contact hook on your front door or a prominent place in your home.

Have a blessed Palm Sunday!