The season of Pentecost is almost here! It is such a beautiful season! It is the time when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. During Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the impact it had on the disciples and the world. It marks the beginning of a new era, where believers are empowered to spread the gospel, exercise spiritual gifts, and live out their faith boldly. Pentecost reminds us of the ongoing presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, empowering us to live as witnesses for Christ and participate in the work of God's Kingdom.
One of my favorite ways to celebrate Pentecost is with books. Reading books during Pentecost is such an easy and fun way to help our children embrace the season and to learn about important aspects of our faith. As I've mentioned before, I kept books separated in boxes according to the season of the church in our garage. The day before Pentecost began, I would bring in the box of books and place them in a basket in the living room. The kids were always so excited to see these books that had been stored away! Each child would grab their favorite and for the next couple of hours, there would be complete silence as they looked through the books. They would read them individually or I would read them to them over and over throughout the season. They were a powerful teaching tool to help my children understand what Pentecost is really about.
Today I am sharing some of my favorite books that your family can use during the season of Pentecost. I hope they are a blessing!
Josie Johnson's Hair and the Holy Spirit by Esau McCaulley. I love this book! I read it to my children's church kids every Pentecost. It is about a little girl named Josie who is spending the day with her dad, getting her hair braided at Monique's Beauty Shop, and picking out a new red dress for Sunday because Sunday is Pentecost! In the process, she learns to celebrate the differences she sees all around her as part of God's plan for his creation.
Breathe: A Child's Guide to Ascension, Pentecost, and the Growing Time by Laura Alary. A beautiful book that invites children to wonder about and watch for the presence and work of the Spirit in practices of prayer and mindfulness. Slowly but surely, we discover that we are the body of Jesus now, his way of being in the world and that whenever we choose the way of love, Jesus is there. Always.
The Day When God Made The Church by Rebekah McLeod Hutto is the story of Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit shaped, and continues to shape, who we are as God’s Church. Children will learn the story of Pentecost: the sights, sounds, and events of that miraculous day described in the Book of Acts. They will also discover who the Holy Spirit is and how God calls each of us to follow Jesus. In the end, parents, educators, and ministers will discover fresh ways to celebrate Pentecost with children in their own churches and families.
The Glorious Impossible by Madeleine L'Engle. The birth of Jesus was a Glorious Impossible. Like love, it cannot be explained, it can only be rejoiced in. And that is what master storyteller Madeleine L'Engle does in this compellingly written narrative, inspired by Giotto's glorious frescoes from the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. With a simple clarity that illuminates the life of Christ, Madeleine L'Engle gives an eloquent voice to the miracle of God's love.