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Special Days in May

Happy first day of May!

This is an exciting month in the Liturgical Year as we wrap up the season of Easter and begin the season of Pentecost.

  • May 1st The Feast of St. Philip and St. James

We start the month with the Feast of St. Philip and St. James, remembering faithful followers of Jesus who became 2 of the 12 Apostles.

  • May 5th - 8th Rogation Days

Rogation Days come right before Ascension Day and are a time set aside to pray for God’s blessing on the land and the sea and the bounty that comes from them. They start on the sixth Sunday of Easter which is known as “Rogation Sunday” since it is the Sunday that precedes the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday known as the “Rogation Days.” 

  • May 9th The Feast of the Ascension

On The Feast of the Ascension, we remember Jesus’ ascent into heaven. 

  • May 19th The Feast of Pentecost

Pentecost is the fiftieth day of Eastertide and also begins the season of Pentecost. It is the day that the church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. It is a major feast day, coming right after Christmas and Easter.

  • May 26th Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday is a profound and awe-inspiring day in the Christian calendar. It invites us to contemplate the mystery of the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and to deepen our understanding of God's triune nature.

  • May 31st The Feast of the Visitation

The Feast of the Visitation is the day that the church celebrates the visit of Mary with her cousin Elizabeth.

Continue to follow along as I’ll be sharing everything you’ll need to celebrate every special day this month, including the history, recipes, and traditions.

Helpful Links:

The Feast of St. Philip and St. James:

The Feast of the Ascension:

The Feast of Pentecost:

Trinity Sunday:

The Feast of the Visitation:


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©2022 by Ashley Tumlin Wallace. 

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