Happy first day of February!
This is such an exciting month in the Liturgical Year as we continue to move through the season of Epiphany! I can’t wait to celebrate it with you! Here’s an overview with helpful links:
February 2nd - The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Candlemas)
February 14th - The Feast of St. Valentine
February 24th - The Feast of St. Matthias, the Apostle
Helpful Links:
If you'd like a calendar of the entire liturgical year, here's a PDF printout:
Or a physical calendar you can hang on your wall:

Current Season: Epiphany
February 2nd - The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Candlemas)

The first feast of the month is The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (also known as Candlemas), where we celebrate when Joseph and Mary presented the infant Jesus in the temple 40 days after his birth. We remember Simeon and Anna's powerful moments with the child and Jesus being recognized as the "Light of the World."
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February 14th - The Feast of St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day honors St. Valentine, a priest martyred for his faith in 3rd-century Rome.
February 24th - The Feast of St. Matthias

On the Feast of St. Matthias, we honor the apostle chosen to replace Judas Iscariot following his betrayal of Jesus Christ.