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Practice Resurrection During the Easter Season

A pair of sandaled feet on a hammock.
Practice resurrection.
Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry

For Christians, Easter is the most joyful and jubilant celebration of the entire year. It is the day of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and his triumph over sin and death. 

This event is so miraculous that the celebration can’t possibly be contained in one day! That’s why Easter has a season of celebration known as the season of Easter.

During the season of Easter, we bask in the glory of the resurrection and celebrate the new life that we have in Christ. For 50 days, Christians around the world feast together, sing, and rejoice together in the resurrection of Our Lord and Savior. As Wendell Berry so vibrantly puts it, we “practice resurrection.” It is a deep and meaningful time that helps us to fully appreciate what Christ has accomplished for us.


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